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Thank you

I called on Bouchra in a moment of questioning about what to do with my profession and my life which was taking shape with impulses to move and accept or not a contract. I received guidance and answers from Bouchra on the Quick Time Player site. It was just magnificent. This clairvoyance was so clear and above all gave me great confidence to start my work as a healer again. Although at the moment I am without a place to work again. It doesn't matter, it allows me to take stock and stop letting myself be caught up in illusory sirens. I seriously believe that I do not have to work in a firm but rather in the world, where I am at the time I am there. It no longer has anything to do with moving or not. I feel very free and full of desire to create. It’s great and very titillating. Bouchra was very, very careful in interpreting the cards and left a lot of freedom so as not to deprive me of my free will. It was guidance with respect, dignity and congruity. THANKS ! I will not hesitate to ask him for help if the need arises. Gratitude Bouchra and good luck! ​



Thank you Sophie 

I am so joyful and grateful for Bouchra's guidance... She has re-opened the precious door of trust... My mind being reassured, I once again feel my heart vibrating and my soul dancing!... Everything is so right. Absolutely everything spoke to me, it's impressive, magnificent, magical at the same time. Very inspiring. Really, thank you. Infinitely. Thank you also for your joy, your kindness and your generosity. You are a beautiful light on my path. Namaste, Sophie

Thank you Quentin 

Dear Bouchra,

Thank you for your sincerity, your listening and your great open-mindedness. Thank you for the help provided. This allowed me to refocus on myself and keep away the evil, jealous and belligerent spirit. Best regards !



Thank you Elisabeth

I was very pleasantly surprised by The poetry, the heart, the greatness of soul of Bouchra, her feelings, her interpretation of the oracles and tarot cards are truly magnificent and very fair, she listens to the questions. I found her magical, I recommend the answers with all my heart. are very clear. Thank you very much to your guides, mine and to you Bouchra,



Thank you Franck

A personalized guidance with Bouchra is a spiritual journey filled with delicacy and depth, an intuitive and inspired energy that brings up your Authentic Being from the depths. The shamanic and holistic aspect is revealed little by little, takes on meaning like the shapes and colors of a painting, and feelings appear through contact with the visible and the invisible. It is very beneficial for the heart and mind to know that we are divinely guided, the time that stopped during the gentle session then resumes its course and keeps us in very delectable harmony and appeasement. Thank you for your diligence, Bouchra, to remain the beautiful person that you are, always with heart and humility. Gratitude for your dedication to others. Thank you to our guides and our ancestors.



Thank you Nadiejna

I called upon Bouchra after listening to one of her guidances on YouTube which shocked me because it spoke so much to me, like personalized guidance. I had the honor of having an appointment in April 2023, she sent me a video, and oh what was my surprise; I received real care through these words. I will say that it was a revelation, a true masterpiece. The information that Bouchra gave me was fair and precise, I would even say precious. Indeed, she gave me keys to understanding in order to dispel the fog I was in at that time. His support is precious. She doesn't count her time. I would say of Bouchra that she is a shaman poet with heart and kindness. I wish you in turn, the universe places it on your path. Infinite gratitude to Bouchra and all the guides.


Nadiejna from Morocco

Thank you Lorraine

"I had the opportunity to have 2 guidance from Bouchra for the summer of 2023, on 2 very different themes, both were very telling, I still listen to them very often! They allow me to maintain confidence on my path and each time I understand the interpretations differently, with more subtlety! Thank you so much Bouchra for your messages shared with so much accuracy and heart "

Thank you Angelika

For a very long time I have been waiting for the right person and the right time for guidance. I felt the call for this spiritual guidance with Bouchra with his guides, my guides, ancestors…. It's ✨goldsmith✨ I can only invite you to offer yourself this precious present. This precious present remains timeless as Bouchra says so well. Through this guidance Bouchra revealed and highlighted concentrated messages from here and elsewhere with accuracy, frankness, kindness and strength. I had the impression that she knew me better than I knew myself, a depth. I gave Bouchra carte blanche, I had received the information to do so and I can only invite you to do the same if it resonates in you and for you, it is by allowing each of us to be, to express our unique color that universal painting can be drawn, expressed in turn. Gratitude Bouchra, gratitude to us and to all our guides, ancestors and all the others for their presence. I will take guidance again, without hesitation when the time comes and with joy. Thanks thanks thanks.


©Bouchra Ait Ahmed © healing doors journey - rhm

Art, Voice & Movement therapy, personal development, Cycles of life, Healing, Sound healing, Chromothérapy, Tarot & Oracles guidance

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