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your healing - your resources

My  —  


I am a therapist and a shamanic practitioner, offering one to one sessions on the energetic field and on the embodied field.

I am alongside you as an energetic support to strengthen your healing process.

I am alongside you as an art-therapist and a voice and movement therapist on your  journey to your healing.

I am alongside you with my compassionate allies and guides to offer you the genuine and benevolent support along your path.

You are welcome here as your are.

You are welcome here to find your resources.

I am specialized on these topics: burnout - anxiety - grief - traumas - depression. I offer sessions called "cycles of life" to accompany you on your thresholds to walk in and walh through for a new chapter of your life. I work with constellations settings.

My strengths are my faculty to listen, my experiences, my wide range of tools available to design your dedicated session.

exhibitionKiarostami Gallery Luca Mackintosh.jpg

"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
 you touch everything.

- Lao Tzu 


"Take the breath of Dawn so that it becomes a part of yourself. He will give you the strength." Hopi wisdom


"May the wings of your visions flap gently and your mind hear their message" Mary Summer Rain


Journey to yourself

Specially designed for you and with you.

This session involves a range of possibilities including sound, movement, voice, drum, as a very special journey to your body, to your heart, to your soul.

Related to chamanic practice.

It involves you fully.

It begins where you stand.

What is offered according to what is needed:

  • Meet your power animal, who will 

    accompany you on your journey and will give you the strength you need
  • Extractions: remove the current obstacles in your life

  • Soul Retrieval: call back the parts of your soul that are 

    being freezed after a trauma, a surgery, an illness
  • Palliatif care accompaniment: get 

    accustomed to the way that will help you to cross your threshold to the beyond
  • Remember that Immortal and One, Your Soul Is

CHF: 120.-/ hour


Sound is vibration.

In presence - in distance:

your choice to connect with me.

With sound massage

atunement is the way to your healing.

It releases your tensions.

Chanting bowls, chromotherapy, tuning forks,

drum, voice and intuitive instruments are my offerings for you.

I work on physical, emotional and energetical issues.

Special treatments are available:  relieves back pain, balances the two cerebral hemispheres, sleep disorders, stress, digestion, brings balance and deep relaxation. Special protocols for depression, for pregnancy, for children, for palliative cares

Hear your inner voice to connect here,

and feel free to ask any question you have.

CHF: 120.-


Spagyric Art is a holistic medicine postulating that the human being is a whole (body, soul and spirit). The word "spagyria" means to separate and reunite. Spagyria has its origins in the old tradition of alchemical medicine, based on the work of the Swiss physician Paracelsus in the 16th century. 

Thanks to the different stages of production, all the healing power of the plant can be exerted without any contraindication and without side effects. Spagyric essences according to Dr. Zimpel have a large field of application both physically and energetically. Spagyria can help relieve many illnesses, both acute and chronic, such as: allergies, burnout, hormonal balance, supports immunity, postoperative pain, joint pain. In addition, Spagyria is very suitable for prophylactic treatment. Spagyric Art offers a unique and tailored support.

Spagyria doesn't replace any medical treatment.

CHF: 60.-





Tel:+41 79 434 83 70

Lutry- Switzerland

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©Bouchra Ait Ahmed © healing doors journey - rhm

Art, Voice & Movement therapy, personal development, Cycles of life, Healing, Sound healing, Chromothérapy, Tarot & Oracles guidance

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